

E Ncha le ea Pele EP4CE30F23C8 Potoloho e kopantsoeng ea IC chips IC FPGA 328 I/O 484FBGA

tlhaloso e khuts'oane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Litšobotsi tsa Sehlahisoa

Sehlopha Lipotoloho tse Kopantsoeng (ICs)  E kenyelelitsoe  FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array)
Mfr Intel
Letoto Cyclone® IV E
Sephutheloana Terei
Sephutheloana se Tloaelehileng 60
Boemo ba Sehlahiswa E sebetsa
Palo ea li-LAB/CLBs 1803
Palo ea Lintlha tsa Logic / Lisele 28848
Kakaretso ea RAM Bits 608256
Nomoro ea I/O 328
Voltage - Phepelo 1.15V ~ 1,25V
Mofuta oa ho Beha Thaba e kaholimo
Mocheso oa ho sebetsa 0°C ~ 85°C (TJ)
Sephutheloana / Taba 484-BGA
Sephutheloana sa Sesebelisoa sa Bafani 484-FBGA (23×23)
Nomoro ea Sehlahisoa sa Motheo EP4CE30


Ho DCAI, Intel e phatlalalitse 'mapa oa litsela bakeng sa moloko o latelang oa lihlahisoa tsa Intel Xeon tse tla lokolloa nakong ea 2022-2024.


Ho latela theknoloji, Intel e tla fana ka li-processor tsa Sapphire Rapids ho Intel 7 karolong ea pele ea 2022;Emerald Rapids e reretsoe ho ba teng ka 2023;Sierra Forest e ipapisitse le ts'ebetso ea Intel 3 mme e tla fana ka matla a matla a phahameng le a phahameng haholo, 'me Granite Rapids e ipapisitse le ts'ebetso ea Intel 3 mme e tla fumaneha ka 2024. Granite Rapids e tla ntlafatsoa ho Intel 3 mme e tla ba teng. e fumaneha ka 2024.

Leha ho le joalo, joalokaha ho tlalehiloe ke ComputerBase ka June, Sebokeng sa Banc of America Securities Global Technology, Sandra Rivera, mookameli oa kakaretso oa Intel's Data Center le Artificial Intelligence Business Unit, o ile a re Sapphire Rapids ramp-up ha ea ka ea tsamaea joalokaha e reriloe 'me e tlile hamorao. ho feta kamoo Intel a neng a lebelletse.Ha ho tsejoe hore na li-node tsa morao-rao li tla angoa ke ho lieha ha Sapphire Rapids.

Ka Hlakola, Intel e boetse e phatlalalitse processor e khethehileng ea "Falcon Shores", e bitsoang XPU, eo Intel e reng e tla ipapisa le sethala sa processor sa x86 Xeon (socket interface e lumellanang) le ho kenyelletsa Xe HPC GPUs bakeng sa komporo ea ts'ebetso e phahameng, e nang le mantlha e bonolo. XPU e tla ipapisa le sethala sa processor sa x86 Xeon (socket interface e lumellanang) ha e ntse e kenyelletsa Xe HPC GPUs bakeng sa komporo e sebetsang hantle, e nang le lipalo tse bonolo tsa mantlha, tse kopantsoeng le liphutheloana tsa moloko o latelang, mohopolo le theknoloji ea IO ho theha "APU e matla.Mabapi le ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso, Intel e bontšitse hore Falcon Shores e tla sebelisa ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso ea lengolo-tsoibila, mme e lebelletsoe ho ba teng ho pota 2024-2025.


Intel e 'nile ea sebetsa ka ho khetheha sebakeng sa setsi ho tloha ha leano la eona la IDM 2.0 ka 2021. Sena se bonahala ho tsoa mererong e latellanang ea tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tsa Intel.

Ka Hlakubele 2021, Intel e phatlalalitse matsete a lidolara tse libilione tse 20 tsa matsete a macha a macha a Arizona, US Ka Loetse selemong sona seo, kaho e ile ea qala ho limela tse peli tsa chip, tse lebelletsoeng hore li tla be li sebetsa ka botlalo ka 2024.

Ka Mots'eanong 2021, Intel e phatlalalitse letsete la US $ 3.5 bilione ho lesela la chip New Mexico, USA, ho kenyeletsoa le ho hlahisoa ha tharollo e tsoetseng pele ea 3D ea ho paka, Foveros, ho ntlafatsa bokhoni bo tsoetseng pele ba ho paka setsing sa liphutheloana sa New Mexico.

Ka Pherekhong 2022, Intel e phatlalalitse kaho ea lifeme tse peli tse ncha tsa chip Ohio, USA, ka letsete la pele la lidolara tse limilione tse likete tse 20, tse lebelletsoeng ho qala kaho selemong sena le ho sebetsa bofelong ba 2025. Ka Phupu selemong sena, Litaba li ile tsa phatlalatsoa hore kaho ea lesela le lecha la Intel la Ohio le qalile.

Ka Pherekhong 2022, Intel le Israel ba thehileng Tower Semiconductor ba phatlalalitse tumellano eo ka eona Intel e neng e tla reka Tower bakeng sa $53 kabelo e ngoe le e ngoe ka chelete, bakeng sa boleng ba khoebo bo ka bang $5.4 bilione.

Ka Hlakubele 2022, Intel e phatlalalitse hore e tla tsetela ho fihla ho li-euro tse libilione tse 80 (US$88 billion) Europe hammoho le ketane eohle ea boleng ba semiconductor lilemong tse leshome tse tlang, libakeng tse tlohang ho nts'etsopele ea chip le tlhahiso ho isa ho mahlale a tsoetseng pele a ho paka.Mokhahlelo oa pele oa moralo oa matsete oa Intel o kenyelletsa matsete a €17 bilione ho la Jeremane ho aha setsi se tsoetseng pele sa tlhahiso ea li-semiconductor;ho thehoa ha R&D e ncha le setsi sa moralo Fora;le matsete ho R&D, tlhahiso, le lits'ebeletso tsa motheo Ireland, Italy, Poland le Spain.

Ka la 11 Mmesa 2022, Intel e ile ea thakhola semmuso katoloso ea setsi sa eona sa D1X Oregon, USA, ka katoloso ea lisekoere-mithara tse 270,000 le matsete a US$3 bilione, e tla eketsa boholo ba setsi sa D1X ka liperesente tse 20 ha se phethiloe.

Ntle le ho atolosoa ka sebete ha lesela, Intel e boetse e hlola lebaleng la lits'ebetso tse tsoetseng pele.

'Mapa oa morao-rao oa Intel o senola hore Intel e tla ba le li-node tse hlano tsa ho iphetola ha lintho lilemong tse' nè tse tlang.Har'a bona, Intel 4 e lebelletsoe ho kenngoa tlhahisong halofo ea bobeli ea selemo sena;Intel 3 e lebelletsoe ho hlahisoa ka 2023;Intel 20A le Intel 18A li tla kenngoa tlhahiso ka 2024. Matsatsi a 'maloa a fetileng, Song Jijiang, motsamaisi oa Intel China Research Institute, o senoletse Sebokeng sa China Computer Society Chip Conference hore thepa ea Intel 7 selemong sena e fetile li-unit tse limilione tse 35, le Intel. 18A le Intel 20A R&D ka bobeli li entse tsoelo-pele e ntle haholo.

Haeba ts'ebetso ea Intel e ka fihlela moralo ka kemiso, ho bolela hore Intel e tla ba ka pele ho TSMC le Samsung sebakeng sa 2nm mme e be oa pele oa ho qala tlhahiso.

Ha e le bareki ba thehiloeng, Intel e phatlalalitse tšebelisano ea maano le MediaTek haufinyane.Ntle le moo, kopanong ea morao-rao ea meputso, Intel e senotse hore lik'hamphani tse tšeletseng tsa TOP 10 tsa meralo ea li-chip li sebetsa le Intel.

Lekala la khoebo la Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics Division (AXG) le thehiloe ka Phuptjane selemong se fetileng 'me ka ho khetheha le kenyelletsa likaroloana tse tharo: Visual Computing, Supercomputing, le Custom Computing Group.Joalo ka enjene e kholo ea kholo ea Intel, Pat Gelsinger o lebelletse hore karohano ea AXG e tla tlisa chelete e fetang $10 bilione ka 2026. Intel e tla boela e romele likarete tsa litšoantšo tse fetang limilione tse 4 ka 2022.

Ka la 30 Phuptjane, Raja Koduri, motlatsi oa motlatsi oa mopresidente oa Intel's AXG custom computing team, o phatlalalitse hore Intel kajeno e se e qalile ho fana ka Intel Blockscale ASICs, chip e tloaelehileng e inehetseng ho merafo, e nang le basebetsi ba merafong ba cryptocurrency ba kang Argo, GRIID, le HIVE e le bareki ba pele. .Ka la 30 Phupu, Raja Koduri o ile a boela a bua ka ak'haonte ea hae ea Twitter hore AXG e tla ba le lihlahisoa tse 4 tse ncha tse tla tsoa bofelong ba 2022.


Mobileye ke sebaka se seng se hlahang sa khoebo bakeng sa Intel, se sebelisitseng $ 15.3 limilione tse likete ho fumana Mobileye ka 2018. le hoja e kile ea binoa ka, Mobileye e fihletse chelete ea liranta tse limilione tse 460 karolong ea bobeli ea selemo sena, ho fihlela 41% ho tloha ho $ 327 milione ka nako e tšoanang. selemong se fetileng, ho e etsa sebaka se khanyang ka ho fetesisa tlalehong ea meputso ea Intel.Ntlha e kholo ka ho fetisisa.Ho utloisisoa hore halofo ea pele ea selemo sena, palo ea sebele ea li-chips tsa EyeQ tse rometsoeng e ne e le limilione tse 16, empa tlhokahalo ea sebele ea litaelo tse fumanoeng e ne e le limilione tse 37, 'me palo ea litaelo tse sa fanoang e ntse e eketseha.

Ka Tšitoe selemong se fetileng, Intel e phatlalalitse hore Mobileye e tla ikemela United States ka theko e fetang $50 bilione, ka nako e reriloeng ea bohareng ba selemo.Leha ho le joalo, Pat Gelsinger o senotse nakong ea mohala oa moputso oa kotara ea bobeli hore Intel e tla nahana ka maemo a itseng a mmaraka le ho sutumelletsa lethathamo le ikemetseng la Mobileye hamorao selemong sena.Leha ho sa tsejoe hore na Mobileye e tla khona ho ts'ehetsa boleng ba 'maraka ba lidolara tse limilione tse likete tse 50 ha e qala ho phatlalatsoa, ​​​​ho tlameha ho boleloa hore Mobileye e kanna ea fetoha tšiea e ncha ea khoebo ea Intel, ho latela lebelo le matla la kholo ea khoebo.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona