

EP2AGX65DF29I5N Mofani o mocha oa mantlha oa Elektronike o kopantsoeng oa Circuits Professional IC

tlhaloso e khuts'oane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Litšobotsi tsa Sehlahisoa


Sehlopha Lipotoloho tse Kopantsoeng (ICs)  E kenyelelitsoe  FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array)
Mfr Intel
Letoto Arria II GX
Sephutheloana Terei
Sephutheloana se Tloaelehileng 36
Boemo ba Sehlahiswa E siiloe ke nako
Palo ea li-LAB/CLBs 2530
Palo ea Lintlha tsa Logic / Lisele 60214
Kakaretso ea RAM Bits 5371904
Nomoro ea I/O 364
Voltage - Phepelo 0.87V ~ 0,93V
Mofuta oa ho Beha Thaba e kaholimo
Mocheso oa ho sebetsa -40°C ~ 100°C (TJ)
Sephutheloana / Taba 780-BBGA, FCBGA
Sephutheloana sa Sesebelisoa sa Bafani 780-FBGA (29×29)
Nomoro ea Sehlahisoa sa Motheo EP2AGX65

Intel Acquisitions

1.Ho fumana khamphani ea GPU

Nako ea Beijing, ka la 21 Pulungoana litaba tsa thapama, ho latela webosaete ea US IT DailyTech e tlaleha hore Intel le Creative Technology ba fihletse tumellano ea ho reka ZiiLabs ea Brithani ea morao-rao ka $ 50 milione ha ba ntse ba fumana laesense ea yuniti ea ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ts'ebetso ea ZiiLabs (GPU). ) theknoloji ea chip.

Ho li-Intel tse limilione tse 50 tsa US tse lefelletsoeng ZiiLabs, US $ 20 milione ho boleloa hore e sebelisitsoe ho reka laesense ea GPU ea morao-rao, 'me chelete e setseng ea lidolara tse limilione tse 30 e sebelisitsoeng ho monya lisebelisoa tsa moenjiniere oa ZiiLabs le matlotlo a mang.

Ha nts'etsopele ea li-processor tsa mecha ea litaba e tsoetseng pele e tla ba e rarahaneng le e theko e boima ha re ntse re kena 28nm le lits'ebetso tse tsoetseng pele, re tlameha ho batla mefuta e mecha ea kholo ho tsoela pele ho tsamaisa tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa le balekane le bareki ba rona, "ho boletse Sim Wong Hoo. CEO ea Creative.“

Shen Wangfu o ekelitse: "Ka ts'ebelisano ea rona le Intel, re fumane maemo a feto-fetohang le bokhoni ba ho nts'etsapele ka konsarete le lik'hamphani tse ngata tsa semiconductor ho meralo e tsoetseng pele le mahlale a tšebetso.Sena se nolofatsa moralo oa rona oa nako e telele oa sehlahisoa le ts'ebetso ea nts'etsopele ka kotsi e fokotsehileng. ”

Ho tlalehoa hore thekisetsano lipakeng tsa Intel le Creative e tla phetheloa mafelong a selemo sena.Joale Creative e tla tsepamisa khoebo ea eona lihlahisoa tsa audio tsa mantlha tsa k'hamphani.

2.Kamohelo ea Altera

Intel e phatlalalitse ka la 28 Tšitoe 2015 ho phetheloa ha tumellano e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea ho reka nalaneng ea k'hamphani.Ho rekoa ha Altera ka liranta tse libilione tse 16.7 ho totobatsa morero oa CEO John Coetzee oa ho sebelisa maqheka a macha ho holisa khoebo.

3.Acquisition of Mobileye

Mantsiboeeng a la 13 Hlakubele 2017, k'hamphani ea theknoloji ea Intel le Isiraele Mobileye e phatlalalitse ka kopanelo hore ba fihletse tumellano e tiileng ea ho reka.Tlas'a tumellano, motlatsi oa Intel o tla fumana likarolo tsohle tse fanoeng le tse hlahelletseng tsa Mobileye ka $63.54 ka kabelo ea chelete.

4.Acquisition of artificial intelligence startups

Aug. 17, 2018 - Intel e 'nile ea e-ba mocheng oa ho reka li-startups tsa bohlale ba maiketsetso.Kamora ho fumana Nervana, Mobileye, le Movidius, k'hamphani e phatlalalitse hore e tla fumana Vertex.ai, e qalang e hlahisang likarolo tsa mehlala ea bohlale ba maiketsetso.

Ho fumana k'hamphani ea litšoantšo ea Finnish

Ka la 5 Mots'eanong 2022, Intel e phatlalalitse ho nkuoa ha k'hamphani ea Finland e bitsoang Siru Innovations ho ntlafatsa thepa ea eona ea mahlale (IP) le motheo oa theknoloji sebakeng sa litšoantšo.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona